Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dear Eliott...

Can someone please tell me why my son, who refuses to eat anything not squirting from my breasts, will gladly chow down on the dogs food like it is a the best stuff ever? Really Eliott? Not cookies or cereal, mac n cheese or PB&J's, bananas or applesauce...your choice of food is Iams mini chunks? I know Pheobe is one of your favorite creatures on this planet, probably because of your mutual ball obsession, but maybe you are spending way to much time together. On another note, I know you are a bit quirky and like to do things at your own speed, but would you kindly utter the word Mama just once for your good ol Mom? It's an event all mommys wait for and you are making wait far too long. To add insult to injury, my dear son, I know you have it in you! The word you decided to say yesterday, albeit cute and funny, is far harder to pronounce and just might cast a doubt about my parenting skills. Are you ready for this? The word was.....

SpongBob. Yup, freakin SpongBob.


Mrs. Fudala said...

What a little stinker! Just wait until he is older and can tell you what is on his mind -- I am sure you will be blown away!!! :)

Colleen said...

ROFL!!! The dog food thing is hysterical. Sorry about the mama thing. Spongebob is a big word, way to go!

Tamara said...

Ahh man right now though I would take Spongbob.....we got NANA and DADDA herep

Kristen said...

So funny....LOL....!!